home repair

SCHFH’s Healthy Homes program partners with homeowners to make repairs that keep them safe, warm and dry.

Sussex County Habitat for Humanity offers a Healthy Homes Program that performs repair services to help low-income homeowners impacted by age, disability and family circumstances reclaim their homes with pride and dignity.

Our Healthy Homes program works on floors, decks, ramps, painting, electrical, plumbing, and more! Please note Healthy Homes services revolve around health and safety, and each repair is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Home repair applications are not currently being accepted. Please revisit this site over the next month for information about upcoming program launches.

Questions? Contact our Healthy Homes Department at HealthyHomes@sussexcountyhabitat.org or call 302-855-1153 x 208 and leave a voicemail.

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